NeetoPlaydash Features

Real-time test results

No more waiting for the test execution to complete to get their results.

Gain insights

summarize your test runs with analytics to see how they perform over time.

Centralized debugging

Get error logs, videos, screenshots and traces - all in one view.

Slack integration

Integrate with Slack to get the test results reported directly in your preferred channel.

GitHub integration

Get the test results reported directly in your GitHub pull requests.

Plug and Play

Simply install our Playwright reporter npm package for local development or CI integration.

Integrate with the
tools you use.

NeetoPlaydash integrates with GitHub and Slack, so you can view test results directly in your repositories or get notified in your team Slack channels.

See All Integrations

Pricing Done Right

Traditionally, companies charge customers and spend money on Google ads to attract new users. NeetoPlaydash is taking a different approach. It focuses on organic user-driven growth by charging users as little as possible. Every time someone uses NeetoPlaydash, they are spreading the word about NeetoPlaydash.

Pricing Philosophy

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